Trump and New West.

In a past times when someone used term “West” he referred first to Western Europe then after colonization of America to western part of Europe and United States of America. In that time everybody was sure that “West is the best”, military, economically and culturally this region was the one with vast freedoms and easiest way to jump on social ladder.

Now in times when USA is no longer biggest economy and their economy is based mostly on cultural and militant dependence. Western Civilization has to rebuild itself and tighten connection between old enemies to sustain most power in hands of most democratic and open societies. But now we are going through many problems at the same time, I can even say that Western Civilization is under biggest social pressure in history.

Everything is changing Great Britain is no longer leading force in Europe and they have problems with accepting lead of Germany and France. They went so mad that they planned Brexit which produce a lot of tension between political forces in Britain and hopefully will end up with solution similar to Norway or Switzerland. It is hard to say what was a main reason for that, officially they blame Angela Merkel for irresponsible migration politics, however I believe that whole mess was created by wrong assessment of Tories leader James Cameron. He should know that in lower classes there is still a myth of Second World War winners nation and hate embedded towards Germans in it. On that UKIP leader Nigel Farage created policy that won referendum for him. I think that now he has changes his mind and is no longer supporting that surreal view where Great Britain and United States would be able to lead without help of Germany, France and Russia.

In defense of James Cameron I can say that real perception of European Union differs totally from reality, this political and economical system is good for bussines however in reality it supports mostly France and Germany which together has the strongest position. They have the strongest economies and biggest population, that gives them very good position in creation of new policies and strongest vote in funds management. On other sides whole European Union agenda strips all that small countries from their national identities what kills spirit and resourcefulness in citizens, EU provides programs that gives free money but in almost all cases people use that only for fraud and it has nothing in common with real entrepreneurship.
I used to live in Germany and I have to say that even Germans are not so happy with that. They also feel like somewhere they have lost their identity for which their grandfather have spilled so much blood. However this opinion is popular only among the poorest part of society which do not know how to use mechanisms created by EU.
Good thing for Europe is that Donald Trump is a president of United States at the moment, he is German descent and he is a person that will secure US Germany alliance. His son in law is Jewish descent which can symbolize ability to cooperate between those two crucial powers in western Civilization. In media we can see a lot of tension and a lot of dirt that is put on his name,it is only a show for typical viewer and it is a great show and a lot of laugh but behind that fake news coverage we can see that his policies are getting more and more support among all parts of society and can change not only America but also prepare Europe for deeper cooperation that is crucial to sustain status quo.

To sum up alliance between America Europe and Japan and North Korea can give next generation good position to develop itself in healthy and good environment but it needs a lot of work and a lot compromises. First thing that has to be done is to forget about Second World War order.

(First essay in ten years need some more time to practice)